Tuesday, January 4

Mark Twain

Mark Twain is one of my faves. If you havn't you should read Puddn'head Wilson read it. Also there is a new edition of Huckleberry Finn coming out that has the "n" bomb replaced with "slave". I think censoring books is wrong.


  1. i dont think the should censor our the n word. this is ridiculous.

    also ive never read puddn'head wilson (would love to) but ive always been obsessed with the name. puddn'head would make a good pet name i think. -id

  2. don't even get me started on how taking out the n word detracts from huck's development as a character and muffles characterizations that twain illustrates through minor characters use or refusal to use it.

    don't even get me started. misguided fools.
