Wednesday, March 28

Early #SummerJam Prediction

Prepare to hear this song everywhere.

It was originally released independently two years ago, on an excellent LP called "I Want I Want!" which you can no longer get anywhere.  Why? Because they signed to RCA, and major record labels are pricks.  RCA has re-released "Anna Sun" on EP, with a full length forthcoming.

Also thanks to RCA, "Anna Sun" is now finding it's way onto major (read: Clear Channel) radio stations.  It's a shoo-in to be massively overplayed this summer, much like "Pumped Up Kicks" last year.

I don't really mind though.  I saw Walk the Moon live a few weeks ago in LA, and they tooootally rocked. Awesome live energy.  They paint their faces for shows (like in the video) and so do many of their fans (mostly cute girls).  I think that's kinda fun.  Just sayin'.

On a personal note, the lyrical content of the song reminds me fondly of our college party houses on Main St & Grey St, of Allen Court in Boston, and of HouseHouse, where I lived for my first year in LA.

I hope you all enjoy hearing this song a million times this summer, and I hope their new album still has some of their other awesome songs, like this one:

-DMc, West Coast Correspondent

PS, Walk the Moon plays April 5 on Jimmy Fallon.

PPS, See you all soon!


  1. i lovelove the whole prettyboyvoice amplified effect which i'm sure you know the official word for. Also this guy totally reminds me of Greg Kalergis - anyone?


  2. that music video (summerjam one) is pretty chill. I'll be cool with hearing that song everywhere. Thanks to our West Coast Correspondent for keeping us ahead of the times!

  3. my friend gave me that whole album last summer, so if anyone wants it i can send it to them. pre-ordering, per se. totally an enjoyable song to listen to hundreds of times.

