Sunday, July 17


In 2009 I drew a picture and tried to write SHABAM! underneath the picture and to be fancy I was going to put an upside-down exclamation point at the beginning of the word. I drew the word from left to right starting with the upside-down exclamation point and working my way over to the regular one on the other side. I messed up and put another upside-down exclamation point at the end of the word. "ishabami" I liked the way the picture looked though, so I hang the picture anyhow. The next day when BJK came over he saw the picture and said "ishabami?" and the word sounded right. Since then I have adopted it as a nonsense word that can mean anything or nothing at all. And I began to write it everywhere along with a bunny. I began a blog a few weeks ago to have ownership of the word on the internet. ISHABAMI.BLOGSPOT.COM I have added a bunch of painting and pictures, some from 2009 and a few that are more recent. Here are three samples.

A Plus1Press Publication


  1. jv did I draw that first one before you threaded it? first collabo?


  2. Yea you drew that, defs throw some stuff on ishabam, you know the password

  3. wicked pumped my goldfish inside shark mouth ishabami painting got posted! i love it. its hanging in my bedroom and probably will be forever.

  4. I have that lion!

