Wednesday, November 10

Royality in America

I need to throw out some kudos to a family that has become the epitome of success in entertainment. Not the Sheens/Estevez, not the Douglas’s, and not even the Cusacks. The most kick ass family is handsdown: The Smiths.  Will, Jada Pinkett, Willow, and Jadan, Seriously. WOW. This family all consist of people who constantly and consistently, GET SHIT DONE. All quintessential overachievers.
Jadan: He became the master to Jackie Chan. ‘nuff said.

Willow: Guys. She’s 9 years old. Can we talk about this? 9 YEARS OLD!  Have you listened to “whip my hair” enough to appreciate this fact?! I have, and it’s insane. Her voice is soooo good, better then a ton of the girls on the radio today. And once it’s in your head, it sticks like the ultra-sticky goo Dr. Keanbean made from “Richie Rich” (a personal favorite)
Jada Pinkett: Scream series and Matrix series. Don’t know if you’ve heard of them, they are kind of a big deal, and she was great and hot in both (even if the movies weren’t).and she is probably just one of the best moms ever.
Will:  What is there to say? This dude taught us to “get jiggy wit it” in “Miami”. And after he went “home to Bel Air!”, he saved the world in SEVEN movies, from aliens, robots, and even de-evolved human/zombie thingys.

Men in Black
Men in Black 2
Men in Black 3*
I, Robot
Independence Day
I am Legend
(*about to start filming).

He also saved the country in Wild Wild West (another favorite), and with Pursuit of Happiness and Seven Pounds, made a lot of girls cry (and probably a few dudes, which is totally cool). The only actor that just could never play a bad guy, because you always want him to win.
He’s the King of Kings.
They are America’s Royal Family.



  1. i'm so jealous and resentful of them, i can hardly stand it.

  2. Even if I hated Will Smith, this post would have convinced me otherwise. Hope you're studying law, because that was a damn good argument right there. (and I completely agree with it) nicely done awm.
